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Top 10 Ayurvedic herbs and their Health Benefits

Ayurveda is the destination for number of treatments. A risk free herbal treatment with least no. Of side effects, are provided by Ayurveda. People always have doubt that whether to use Ayurvedic medicines or not, as there are very few doctors and practitioners of Ayurveda particularly. The positive effects of Ayurveda are not known to the majority of people.
All the benefits of Ayurveda takes off from the Ayurvedic herbs. In this artefact, we’ll list the top 10 Ayurvedic herbs that have the most number of benefits.

1) Ashwagandha

An Indian originated Ayurveda plant, scientifically known as Withania somnifera. Ashwagandha acts as a superior medicine for many diseases.
  • It has the power to reduce cortisol levels in the human body.
  • Ashwagandha, in some of the cases acts as an Anti-cancer medicine for a cancer patient.
  • If you are suffering from stress and anxiety, you must try Ashwagandha it helps a lot in these situations.
  • In men, Ashwagandha can boost testosterone and sperm count.
  • Blood sugar levels can also be reduced and controlled by regular consumption of Ashwagandha.
  • Ashwagandha can also reduce inflammation in our body. Knee pain, ankle pain or any other joints pain can be relieved by Ashwagandha.
  • It also provides a smooth functioning of the brain and sharpens the memory.
  • Consumption of Ashwagandha reduces the Cholesterol level in our body.

2) Brahmi

A plant native to Indian subcontinent, also grows in the wetlands of Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia and North & South America. Scientifically called bacopa monniery, has numerous benefits on the human beings.
  • Brahmi helps in curing the Alzheimer’s desease in our body. The bio-chemical present in the Brahmi leaves are effective in Alzheimer’s.
  • Brahmi acts a prevention for further cancer. The Antioxidants in it has the power to reduce the symptoms of cancer.
  • Immune system can also be strengthened by the consumption of Brahmi.
  • Brahmi helps in reducing stress and anxiety quickly. It directly targets the stress hormones in our body.
  • In students or elders too, Brahmi leaves consumption leads to increase in concentration power.
  • Brahmi can act as a good remedy for surviving arthritis. It has the best properties for curing arthritis.
  • Blood pressure and blood sugar levels are also controlled by taking Brahmi.
  • Brahmi leaves and oil treats the dry scalp and hair fall issues.

3) Turmeric

A flowering plant that originates from ginger family. Oftenly used in households as a spice ingredient in vegetables. It is the native Indian herb and is used from thousands of years ago. There are many extravaganza benefits of Turmeric on the human body.
Turmeric helps a female to avoid the premenstrual syndrome. It was found in a study that Curcumin present in Turmeric helped to ease PMS symptoms.
High cholesterol levels can also be reduced by Turmeric consumption. Any person suffering from high cholesterol must try taking Turmeric.
  • Thorough headache problems are also healed by Turmeric.
  • Turmeric also helps in the disease of arthritis. Turmeric acts as a major medicine for arthritis.
  • The paste of Turmeric heals the acne on face. You can make a paste of Turmeric even at home and apply on your face.
  • Turmeric has the power to reduce cancer symptoms. It acts as a Anti-cancer in our body.
  • Depression suffering people should also use Turmeric.
  • Diabetes can also be cured by taking Turmeric for a long period of time.
  • Alzheimer’s disease is also found effected by Turmeric.

4) Neem

Neem, scientifically known as Azadirachta indica is also an Indian Ayurvedic herb. Founded in the Meliaceae family of flora kingdom. The neem trees are found in almost every path in our country. Do know the actual benefits of Neem?
The first and most effective way for using Neem is in wounds. Neem is spectacular medicine in healing any type of wounds.
  • Acne on our faces can also be healed forever by applying the Neem paste on the face.
  • Taking Neem with honey can be helpful in ear diseases. The Neem pastes are also available in the market.
  • Neem is also well effective in treating eyes problems. Boil the Neem leaves in water and then wash your eyes with the same.
  • The ancient dandruff in your hairs can also be vanished by using Neem for few days.
  • Skin disorders are also cured by the consumption of Neem leaves.
  • Neem has the power to boost your body’s immunity for fighting the diseases.
  • Neem also acts as a blood purifier in our body. It detoxifies the blood.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory remedy. The Neem herbs help in healing body pains.

5) Cumin

The health benefits provided by Cumin are not known by the majority of people. Though being an Indian herb it is less known. But, the fact can’t be denied that it has so many health benefits. Cumin is a spice that comes from the Cuminum Cyminum.
  • Cumin is a supreme ingredient for loosing weight in a lesser time. If you consume Cumin regularly, you will definitely put down weight.
  • Cumin helps in maintaining the cholesterol level in our body. Taking 3g of cumin every day can balance the cholesterol levels.
  • Memory loss problems can also be cured by taking Cumin. In animals also, it provides a sharper memory.
  • Cumin is also a stress reliever herb. It is used by a number of people who suffer from regular stress.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which has a common symptom such as stomach ache and bloating was found positively effected by the consumption of Cumin.

6) Aloe vera

Aloe vera, yet another well known and widely used Ayurvedic herb specially in India. It is a rare plant that is commonly known by its scientific name. It’s a thick plant that stores water in the stem. There are many benefits associated with Aloe vera.
  • Aloe vera acts as an anti-cavity in our mouth. It helps in fighting tooth plaques and cavity faster than the regular tooth pastes.
  • It also has the effectiveness to the ultraviolent rays producing from the sun. You can use it as a sunscreen in summers.
  • The regular problem of constipation can be improved by the consumption of Aloe vera. You can make the juice of Aloe vera and drink.
  • Diabetes or higher sugar levels in the body can be cured by taking Aloe vera on a daily basis.
  • Aloe vera can be applied on the skin burns and any type wounds. It is effective.
  • In the situation of low memory power or depression also, Aloe vera is effective.
  • Stomach ache, and bloating is also healed by taking Aloe vera.
  • Pre consumption of Aloe vera helps in keeping you away from skin diseases.

7) Amalaki

Popularly known as Amla in India. Scientifically named as Phyllanthus emblica is a Indian subcontinent plant. It bears yellowish green edible fruit. It is commonly used to prepare pickles. Apart from pickles, there lies many more health benefits of Amla.
  • Amla has Anti-ageing effects on a person. After crossing the age of 45, it helps an individual to stay fit and fine for long period of time.
  • High cholesterol levels can be reduced by taking Amalaki.
  • Amalaki also cures diabetes and high sugar levels in our body.
  • Diarrhea problem can also be healed by taking Amalaki for a particular period of time.
  • The joint pains like knee pain, shoulder pain or ankle pain can be healed by Amla.
  • Amla has the chemical component that helps a person get rid of obesity.
  • High blood pressure or very low blood pressure can also be balanced by consuming Amalaki.

8) Triphala

The fruit produced by the combination of three different herbs. Amla Bibhitaki and Haritaki are the ingredients of Triphala. In Ayurveda, Triphala is referred as Tridoshic rasayana due to its property to fight all 3 doshas of our body.
  • Appetite issues can be improved quickly by taking Triphala. It increases the appetite of our body.
  • Triphala is very much effective in reducing the hair fall. It also regrows the hairs.
  • Triphala improves the Metabolism of the body. Metabolism is the process by which the food and liquid in our body is converted into energy.
  • Triphala provides a smooth functioning of the intestine.
  • It was also found in some cases that people who consume Triphala are stress free.
  • It also Detoxifies our body and blood. It removes the toxic substances away from the body.
  • Triphala provides quick relief from constipation problem of the body.

9) Shatavari

It’s a pure Ayurvedic plant being used from ancient times. The scientific name of Shatavari is Asparagus racemosus. It is popularly known for its benefits to the females. But, it also has many benefits on mens.
  • In females, Shatavari helps if she is having any problem in conceiving. It helps in the fertilization process.
  • Shatavari smoothens the Hormone system in the female body.
  • Menses problems like heavy periods and Amenorrhea can be healed by consuming Shatavari.
  • It also has some Anti-ageing effects.
  • In women, at the time of menopause also Shatavari helps in any type disease.
  • In mens, consumption of Shatavari increases the sperm count.
  • Leukorrhea can also be treated by taking Shatavari regularly.
  • It also helps in gaining weight in a shorter time.
  • Shatavari is a medicine in curing gastritis and edema problems.
  • Acidity, can be healed by consuming Shatavari.

10) Guggul

A less known Ayurvedic herb that has large number of benefits on our health. Scientifically named as Commiphora wightii is another Indian subcontinent plant. It’s a small thorny tree known as tree of myyrh.
• Guggul is a wound healing herb. It has the property to cure any type of wounds.
• Hair fall problems can be improved by taking Guggul. It also increases the hair growth speed.
• Guggul helps in healing boils and ulcers.
• Diseases associated to heart can be improved by consuming Guggul.
• It directly effects the Thyroid gland and improves the condition of a thyroid effected person.
• Guggul also Detoxifies the blood.
• Taking Guggul often can reduce higher blood pressure.
• Cholesterol level can also be controlled and balanced by consuming Guggul.
Above were the top 10 Ayurvedic herbs according to our researches. All the different plants have their own special effects. You can classify them on the basis of your problems and use wisely.
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Last modified: February 26, 2021
