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What is Amalaki, Benefits of Amalaki, Uses, Side effects of Amalaki


It has been proved that Ayurveda has excellent benefits. Ayurvedic herbs help in improving every type of desease in a human body. Ayurveda has a least number of side effects as compared to that of any other allopathic or homeopathic medicines. Ayurvedic medicines are recommended by Ayurveda doctors and they believe that Ayurveda can cure every desease.

In this article we’ll discuss the benefits and other information related to Amla. Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry. It is a well known and widely used Ayurvedic herb.

What is Amla(Amalaki/Indian Gooseberry)?

Amla is an Indian plant that has been providing benefits to the people across the globe for thousands of years. It generates from Phyllanthaceae family in flora kingdom. The binomial name of Amla is Phyllanthus emblica. Emblic, Emblic myrobalan, Myrobalan, Malacca tree or amla(in sanskrit) are some of it’s other names. The Indian gooseberry plant produces an edible fruit that is also called Amla or Amla in India.

Benefits of Amla(Amalaki/Indian Gooseberry)

Vitamin C :  Amla is the king of fruits in providing Vitamin C. Amla is the richest in Vitamin C.

Gastritis – The fruit of Amla helps in curing gastritis. Gastritis is a very common desease in human beings and amla helps to heal gastritis fastly.

Skin deseases – Skin deseases can also be rehabilitated by consuming Amla. It is also recommended by the doctors to eat 4-5 fruit of Amla everyday.

Acidity – We always always liquids or tablets in acidity. You should know that Amla is fastest healer or acidity problems.

Hair fall – After the of 40, 60% of the people in India starts getting hair fall. Even some teenager’s have hair fall problem. If you consume Amla regularly then it will surely help in reducing hair fall and increases hair growth.

Immunity – Amla also increases the immunity of the body. Especially now in the outbreak of covid-19 you must eat amla for improving your immunity.

Antioxidant – Amla also reacts as an antioxidant in our body. It increases our resistance power for fighting any deseases.

Cholesterol – The fruit of Amla helps in lowering the cholesterol level in the human body. If you have cholesterol problems then you must try Amla.

Blood pressure – Amla contains cytokinin which helps in balancing the blood pressure level.

Arthritis – Doctors believe that consumption of Amla helps in improving the Arthritis desease.

Amla has the power of maintaining the balance of the whole body.

How to use Amla (Amalaki/Indian Gooseberry):-

  • You can eat the Amla fruit directly. It has a sour taste in mouth but when you will drink water after it you will feel bitter taste.
  • Ready-made Amla tablets are also available in the market. You can find tablets of Himalaya or Patanjali.
  • You can also prepare juice of the Amla and drink it twice a day. The juice of Amla also has the same amount of Vitamin C as of raw fruit.
  • The powder of Amla can also be prepared by grinding it. You take mix the powder in milk of in water and drink.
  • You should try to consume amla everyday in any form. It cures number of deseases and keeps you fit and fine.

Side effects of Amla (Amalaki/Indian Gooseberry):-

Every medicine in this world has some side effects. So is the case with Amla. Amla definitely has numerous benefits and keeps everyone healthy. There are some negligible side effects that can occur while consuming Amla.

  • If you are suffering from diabetes then you must not eat raw amla fruit. It can adversely affect you. However, if you take medicines for lowering sugar level then you can use Amla. It will benefit you.
  • If you use Amla for improving your skin, you should drink 2-3 litres of water everyday.

Amazing fact about Amla (Amalaki/Indian Gooseberry):-

It is believed that, thousands of years ago once a battle was fought between gods and devils. The reason of the war was Amrit. The one who would win the battle will be given Amrit and then he will never. In that battle, due to collision of two groups the drop of Amrit fell onto earth and later formed Amla.

Additional information:-

Amla fruit is green in colour and the plant also comprises green colour. The tree of Amla goes up to 1-8 meters in height. The amla fruit has a hard and smooth structure. The flowers of Amla gives a greenish-yellow essence.
Amla is also used for making Ayurvedic medicines. It is the only fruit that has more than one taste. Sweet,sour,salty,pungent,bitter and astringent are the tastes that amla produces in it’s various forms.
According to Ayurveda, Amla is a most important constituent and ingredient in an ancient herbal rasayana called Chyawanprash.


Amla is undoubtedly a magical Ayurvedic fruit that has large number of benefits. Even the allopathic doctors recommend to eat amla regularly it smoothens our body functions. A child should also take Amla in daily consumption as it will make their brain more sharper. Amla is one of the most ancient herb of India.
We all should try amla fruit or in any other form and see the difference in our health. All the Ayurvedic herbs and medicines have vast advantages. A human being should consume atleast some them as they are very effective.

Amla Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Is Amla bad for liver?

In the desease of kidney of hyper tension, Amla should be avoided. You must try to avoid amla pickles or candies.

Who should not eat Amla?

If you are a patient of Acidity, you must not eat amla fruit in empty stomach. It can lead to hyper acidity but it depends on your body type. It will be safe if you try to avoid amla in empty stomach.

What happens if we eat Amla daily?

If you consume more then 2-3 amla’s per day then it can lead to hair fall problems.

What are the side effects of Amla?

If you have constipation then amla can effect you negatively and increase your problem. Amla contains high amount of fibre which is not helpful in constipation.

What is Amla good for?

Deficiency (dosha) :  According to Ayurveda, Amla targets 3 doshas in our body. Vata dosha,Pitta dosh, Kapha dosh most affected and improved by Amla.
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Last modified: February 8, 2021
