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Brahmi benefits | Brahmi side effects | Brahmi uses | Brahmi benefits for brain

what is Brahmi
Ayurveda medicines
In the modern era, more no. of people are fighting against any type of desease or sickness as compared to ancient times. Our ancestors used to be more fit and fine than us. One of the main reasons for their fitness and incredible health was Ayurveda and Ayurvedic herbs. They were fond of consuming Ayurveda medicines rather than allopathic.
Today we are not aware of the most effective benefits of Ayurveda. Many Ayurveda herbs like Triphala, Brahmi, Neem, Aloe vera,etc are recommended by Ayurveda doctors and few scientists too.
In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of Brahmi and it’s uses.

What is brahmi?

In proper English, Brahmi is known as Waterhyssop. The scientific name of Brahmi is Bacopa monnieri. Globally, brahmi is also known as theme- leafed gratiola, herb of grace, etc. Brahmi is a typical ayurveda leaf extracted from the herbs of bacopa monnieri. It is a type of creepy, perennial herb mostly originated in the wetlands of southern and Eastern India, Australia, Europe, Africa, South America and some parts of Asia. Brahmi is most popularly used in India as an ingredient in many medicinal substances. Not only in India, but in many foreign countries Brahmi is used for medical purposes.
Now, the most prime aspect of Brahmi. Every Ayurvedic herbs has it’s own medicinal values.

Benefits of Brahmi:-

Alzheimer’s desease – Children who have lack of Concentration or elders with memory issues can consume the leaves of Brahmi. You have to chew the leaves of brahmi every morning in empty stomach. Minimum consumption should be 5-6 leaves per day.
Concentration power – In winter season, you can prepare the juice of 2-3 leaves adding black pepper and have in the morning empty stomach. It will surely help in memory strengthing and increasing concentration power.
Epilepsy – People who are suffering from Epilepsy or Neurological disorder can consume the leaves of brahmi. It will definitely help in curing.
low memory – Many children have low memory or are under active. They can be provided Brahmi herbs for betterment.
Sleeping desease – Those who can’t sleep properly and have sleeping disorder must consume it. For this purpose, you have to grind the leaves and add some cow butter to it and cosume at night. You can also drink it by mixing in one glass of milk with rock sugar.
Gonorrhea – If anyone is suffering from gonorrhea disease, Brahmi is a must as it will fasten the recovery.
Sexual desease – People who have sexual problem can also consume it. Specially in mens it is more useful.
Blood pressure – Brahmi leaves are also beneficial in maintaining blood pressure. Women or men who have blood pressure can consume it.
Leukorrhea – Leukorrhea is generally a desease common in women’s. Consumption of Brahmi leaves also help in curing Leukorrhea.
Hairfall – Consumption of Brahmi leaves can stop the falling of hairs. It also increases hair’s strength.
Brahmi helps in almost every brain connected deseases. It also has many basic nutritional values.

How to use Brahmi :- 

  • You can consume brahmi leaves directly every morning while empty stomach. Simply just chew 5-6 leaves for 5 minutes.
  • Pluck the leaves with roots. Then wash it and let it dry. After drying fully, you can chew it.
  • Ready-made solution of Brahmi leaves is also available in market. Himalaya and modicare companies manufacturer brahmi solution. You can buy according to your taste.
  • You can prepare a paste of fresh brahmi leaves and massage on your scalp for a good growth of hairs.
Undoubtedly Brahmi has numerous extravaganza benefits. It is one of oldest and most useful ayurveda medicine. But, it is the rule of nature that if any substance has benefits then it will definitely have some side effects as well. Brahmi leaves also have some minor side effects on the human body. If you consume brahmi leaves regularly for more then 12 weeks then it can create harm to your body. So, it is recommended to use brahmi once you are suffering from any type of desease. You should also try to take Brahmi leaves on doctor’s recommendation other wise it can have some side effects. Some more adverse effects of brahmi can be nausea, intestinal motility and gastrointestinal upset.

How to recognize Brahmi plant:-

Brahmi has many different names in different languages. In latin it is known as Centella Asiatica, in English it is also known as Indian penny wort. In sanskrit brahmi is known as Mandukparni and in hindi, Manduki  and so on in every language it has different name. There are many plants that lookalike Brahmi but they are not. Brahmi leaf has a frog like structure and it can grow in plain field. You can grow brahmi plant in your house as it make the air in surrounding pure and pollution free. It looks beautiful too and can be grown in a small flower pot. The leaves of Bacopa monnieri are oblong, succulent and 4-6 mm thick. In the stem, leaves face in opposite direction with 4-5 petals per plant. The leaves are white in colour and actinomorphic.


Brahmi leaves have been in consumption from hundreds of years. Our ancestors used it widely for improving their health issues. All the ayurveda herbs and medicines have their own special values and so Brahmi. There are many scientific researches that prove the medicinal values of Brahmi plant. An Indian originated ayurveda plant which is used by people all over the world. Everyone should try to intake brahmi leaves atleat once if going through any brain desease. It will surely help in curing.


All the benefits, side effects, history, and every other information about Brahmi plant has been listed above. As the foundation of Ayurveda was taken place in India, and as a citizen of India we must try to get benefits from Ayurveda medicines rather than allopathy. No doubt allopathic is globally sufficient and the leader of the pack in preparing medicines but if you get a homemade and cheap ayurveda medicine then you must try it.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is Brahmi good for

Brahmi is good for curing diseases like Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, Gonorrhoea, Sexual diseases, Leukorrhea, etc. Brahmi also helps in increasing the concentration power in students. It balances the blood pressure level and also reduces hair fall quickly. 

Why is Brahmi good for brain? 

Brahmi is good for the brain because it helps people to increase their concentration power. The chemicals present in Brahmi leaves are high in vitamins and minerals, hence it is good for your brain. 

Does Brahmi has side effects?

Every medicine or Ayurvedic herb has some side effects depending upon your body type. Some major side effects can be Nausea, motility, and gastrointestinal upset. Some times it is recommended not to take Brahmi for more than 12 weeks regularly, it can harm your body. It is best suited when taken for healing any disease. 

Is Brahmi good for hair? 

Yess, many researchers have stated that Brahmi has some great benefits on your hair. It helps in reducing hair fall and also in growing hair faster. Some people also found that Brahmi made their hairs smooth and thick. 

Is Brahmi good for skin? 

There are no any particular traces that Brahmi is good for skin. It is most likely to cure diseases like Alzheimer’s, Leukorrhea, Gonorrhoea, etc. We recommend you to only use Brahmi on skin when prescribed from a doctor. 
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Last modified: February 6, 2021
